Sexological Bodywork

What are Sexological Bodyworkers?

Sexological Bodyworkers are Somatic Sex Educators, certified by the state of California. They support people to achieve a state of sexual wholeness through body-based learning, including coaching in breath, movement, body awareness, boundary-setting, anatomy, massage, orgasm, genital touch, erotic trance states and other body-based teachings. It is designed to nurture, deepen or awaken the sensual self.
Why do people receive Sexological Bodywork?
People receive Sexological Bodywork sessions for many different reasons:
  • to explore their capacity for pleasure
  • to get to know their sexuality
  • to heal loss of sensation or interest in sex
  • to overcome feelings of shame or guilt around sexuality
  • to learn about different states of orgasm
  • to reconnect to sexuality after childbirth or surgery
  • to love their bodies more
  • to have a positive sexual experience
  • to connect deeply with their body in a safe space
What happens in a session?
A first session involves sitting down together, having a cup of tea and talking about your situation, your connection with your body, your sexuality, and what you want to learn, for at least half an hour. Then together, we decide on a program to suit your unique intention and desired direction. Then, if you feel comfortable, we move into the bodywork. This does not need to involve nudity in the first session if you are not comfortable. Generally clients come 3-5 times in order to move through a process of learning about their bodies in a new way. A standard session for me is 2 hours 15mins in length, including the talking and the bodywork. People can sometimes be nervous when they arrive but are often surprised how nurturing and relaxing this experience is, and how safe they feel throughout.
I have just completed the intensive Sexological Bodywork training course, and need to finish a series of sessions in order to become a fully qualified Sexological Bodyworker. I am already a qualified Tantra masseuse and often guide my clients through a therapeutic process. For now, these sessions are available only to women, and can involve genital touch for those who feel comfortable with that.

How much does it cost? What are the details?
The sessions are 2hours 15mins in length, including the talking and the bodywork, and limited places are available now to women at a special rate of 1000kr only. There are some session times available in August and September. I am specifically looking to work with 2 women over the course of 4 or 5 sessions, so if you have something specific to work through, this could be a good opportunity to do that in a safe space with another woman, and at a very good rate. You are welcome to come for an introductory session and then see how you feel about continuing.
Please feel very free to contact me at
for more details or to book a session.

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